Studio apartment and what it is: what it means, what it looks like, photo

We can say about a studio apartment that it is a small apartment without internal walls, that is, with a single space for the living area, kitchen area and hallway. As a rule, such real estate has a small area, and therefore costs significantly less. It has other advantages, but there are also disadvantages. This and much more is discussed in detail in the material presented.

The essence and types of studio

First of all, it is important to understand what a studio apartment is. In essence, this is a small apartment designed in open space style. This means that it has no internal walls, with the exception of the shower and toilet. The kitchen and living area are located in the same room and are separated only conditionally, for example, by a shelving unit, a screen, or simply design techniques (carpet, step, different floor coverings).

Studio apartment

A studio apartment is a small living space without an internal division between the kitchen and the room itself. Almost always we are talking about a one-room apartment. Although if you remove the walls, then a 2- or even 3-room apartment can be considered a studio. There are 2 types of such premises:

  1. Received after redevelopment, that is, from an ordinary 1-room apartment, from which the walls were removed. Such changes require prior approval from the BTI, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and the local administration.As a rule, the wall between the kitchen and the room is dismantled - the result is more spacious housing.
  2. Another thing that a studio apartment means is a room that was originally provided for by the project. That is, it arose not as a result of redevelopment, but during construction work. Such housing has been especially actively built in the last 5-7 years. Today it is in great demand in the capital and large cities.

You can also conditionally distinguish 2 other types:

  1. A studio in a new building - where it is usually planned initially according to the project.
  2. Housing on the secondary market - in old houses, studios are obtained as a result of redevelopment.

What is a studio

How is a studio different from a regular apartment?

It is quite simple to understand what a studio is if you compare it with an ordinary apartment. The differences are obvious:

  1. The area is almost always smaller. On average it is 25-35 m2, although it can be 15-25 m2. The exception is studios that were made as a result of redevelopment of a 2-room apartment or larger premises.
  2. There are no walls between the living room and the kitchen. But at the same time, the toilet and shower, for obvious reasons, are located in a separate, completely separate room.
  3. Uniform design, for example, the same wallpaper, common lighting system. We can say about a studio apartment that it is a small room that has a single interior. At the same time, it is possible and necessary to highlight different zones - for this, for example, companion wallpaper is used.
  4. Visual effect - since there are no walls, it seems that there is more space in the room. This is understandable if you see what a studio apartment looks like. There are usually at least 2 windows, so the housing is quite bright and attractive.
  5. We can say about a studio that it is housing without internal walls. Thanks to this, there is no strict planning either.The developer determines only the location of the toilet and shower (or bath), and for the remaining elements (kitchen, sleeping area) you can choose almost any location.

What is a studio apartment

Advantages and disadvantages

Studying what a studio apartment is, the description of which is presented above, we can highlight several advantages of such real estate:

  1. It costs 15-20% or even more less than standard 1-room apartments. Good for students, young couples, people living alone. At the same time, an apartment compares favorably with a dorm room, since it is a separate housing with all amenities.
  2. Free layout - you can select living, kitchen and other areas in a way that is more convenient and practical. It’s quite easy to understand both about a studio apartment and about regular housing. But the studio has a clear advantage in greater freedom in organizing space.
  3. Visually there is a lot of space and large volume - the effect is associated with the absence of walls.
  4. If you see what the studio looks like, it's not hard to realize another advantage. Since there are 2 windows here at once, the room is very bright, even if one “looks” to the north or west.
  5. Since the area is small, it is easier to care for - cleaning can be done daily, spending a minimum of time and effort on it.
  6. An important advantage is that studios are cheaper in terms of utility bills. This is again due to the smaller area.
  7. Finally, such housing has excellent acoustics. This plus is of particular importance for music lovers - both listeners and performers.

It turns out that a studio apartment is like a small home that has all the standard “applications” in the form of a kitchen area, shower (or bath) and toilet.But when considering the purchase of such housing, you need to keep in mind its disadvantages:

  1. The area is small - it will not be possible to install a lot of furniture; often even installing a dishwasher or a large washing machine turns into a problem.
  2. It’s not always pleasant when odors from the kitchen area spread throughout the entire apartment.
  3. It is similarly unpleasant when garbage from a living area spreads throughout the kitchen - there is a risk that it will get into food, food products, including during cooking.
  4. Just look at the photo and understand what a studio-type apartment looks like. There is practically no personal space here, so families with children in such housing will be clearly uncomfortable.
  5. There is no hallway - outerwear hangs in the living area. On the other hand, you can put a small cabinet to store it.

Who is the studio suitable for and who is not suitable for?

It’s clear what the studio apartment looks like in the photo. And based on this we can say who it is best suited for:

  • people living alone;
  • young couples without children;
  • students;
  • creative people, freelancers.

Now you need to list the categories of residents for whom the studio will not suit:

  • family with children;
  • people of different sexes, different ages;
  • people who feel uncomfortable being in a spacious room without walls;
  • Also, the premises are unlikely to be suitable for people with pets, especially dogs.

Is it profitable to rent out a studio?

It is clear that a studio is a small one-room apartment with an open plan. All that remains is to find out how profitable it is to invest money in the purchase of such real estate, that is, to evaluate the studio as an investment object.

What does a studio apartment mean?

It is definitely difficult to answer this question, since many factors influence it (city, type of house, its location, condition, floor, and others).But one thing is clear: a studio is cheaper than 1-room apartments. And you can rent it out for a little less money.

Many tenants know what a studio apartment means and strive to rent it for a long time. They are attracted by the open layout and more affordable price. Therefore, if you buy property in a good location, it will be in demand on the rental market. This will allow 100% recoupment of costs in 10-15 years.

Now it’s clear what a studio room is and what real advantages it provides. The housing is a small but fully functional apartment, which can be purchased either for yourself or for rent. On the other hand, there is an option to redevelop your own property and turn it into a real studio-type apartment.

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