How to use a building level: learning how to avoid annoying mistakes

In this article we will look at the types of building bubble levels, what a bubble level consists of, why additional marks are needed on the level flasks, how to use, check and adjust a building bubble level, how to use and adjust an electronic level.

What types of bubble levels are there?


Since the design of bubble levels is the same - a strong rectangular frame, they are distinguished mainly by the number of flasks. There are:

  • Levels with one flask. Suitable only for measuring the flatness of horizontal surfaces.
  • Levels with two flasks. One bulb is for the horizon, the second is for the vertical. These levels can be used to measure both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • Levels with three flasks. Some of the most popular levels are those with three flasks. One is for measuring the horizon, the second is for the vertical, the third is for the angle. Usually a bulb is installed for an angle of 45 degrees, but there are models for 30 and 60 degrees.
  • Professional models (up to six flasks). Used by specialists/professionals. Two flasks are for measuring the evenness of horizontal and vertical surfaces, the rest are for angles (15, 30, 45, 60 degrees, there are models with other angles).

Markings on the level flasks - what are they?

Even a novice user understands intuitively that these are marks indicating within what limits the air bubble should be located. The construction bubble level consists of a body and flasks with liquid. An alcohol-based solution is used as a liquid so that it does not freeze while working at subzero temperatures. The flasks are not filled completely; an air bubble remains. There are marks on the side surface of the cylinder. If the bubble is within these marks, the surface being measured is flat. A little closer to the edges of the flask there are thin marks - these are error markings. That is, depending on the situation, the bubble may be within these lines. Additional error bars are drawn at the expensive, professional and mid-range levels.

How to use a bubble building level

Inspect the measuring device. Clean the surface to be measured. Each level has a working side. Usually made from a different, coarser material, sometimes they differ in color. This side must be applied to the surface to be measured.

If you apply the level with the other side, nothing bad will happen, only the measurement error will increase. If you need high measurement accuracy, apply the level only with the working side.

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Let's look at how to use a bubble level using the example of installing a shelf. Make approximate markings of where the shelf will be located. Apply a level to it with your work surface. Rotate the instrument until the air bubble in the bulb is within the range of the marks. Draw a line along the level and mark the fasteners. This is the control of horizontal surfaces.

To check the evenness of a vertical surface, for example, the quality of plaster on a wall, you need to apply the level with the working side to the wall. Move the level up and down without moving it to the sides. The air bubble should be on top. There are some models where it should be at the bottom. Such devices have corresponding marks on the body and packaging. If the wall is smooth, the bubble should always be within the range of the marks. If it is not there, you need to increase/decrease the plaster on the wall gap.

To measure the slope, you need to apply a level to the surface in the same way as when checking the vertical. If the tilt bubble is within the appropriate marks, the surface is tilted correctly. Flasks are placed at the levels to measure angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees.

Do not apply the level with the short/wide side. The devices are not designed for such measurements - with this method, a non-existent surface between the level and the wall is measured, these readings will differ from the real ones.

Electronic level. Adjusting Electronic Levels

Electronic levels are more convenient, advanced and accurate than bubble levels. Their popularity is growing. Such devices are equipped with three blocks - one for adjusting horizontal surfaces, the second for vertical surfaces, and the third with a gyroscope. The latter allows you to measure the evenness of all corners. The angle from 0 to 90 is set on the electronic panel, at this angle the line will be displayed.

Measuring instruments get lost over time. This is due to various factors - how they are used, how often, how they are stored, laid out, and more. Therefore, an additional advantage of electronic levels is self-regulation. To adjust the electronic building level, just press a button.Adjust the electronic levels according to the manufacturer's instructions. The adjustment concept for all models is the same - you need to find a flat surface and press the adjustment button. By flat we mean perfectly flat, since the device will take this data as a basis. In an apartment, a perfectly flat surface can be polystyrene foam in a container of water. At construction sites, troughs are used for solutions. The entire process of calibrating the electronic level lasts less than one and a half minutes.

How to test, adjust the bubble building level

Bubble level test:

  • Place the device on the surface.
  • Place something under the level, such as paper, until the air bubble in the flask is leveled - it will be between the marks.
  • Turn the level upside down.

If the readings have not changed, the device is configured correctly. If they have changed, the level needs to be adjusted. For this:

  • Fill the tub/container that will fit the level.
  • Place a sheet/piece of foam plastic on the water.
  • Place a level on the foam.
  • Mark the direction in which the bubble moves.
  • Rotate the flask/screw until the bubble is exactly between the marks.
  • Flip the level.
  • Check that the bubble is also within the mark range.
  • Turn, twist, rotate - adjust the level - until the bubble is in the middle of the flasks on both sides.
  • When finished, secure the screws all the way.

If your level does not have adjustment screws, it will not be adjustable. You can try to dislodge the part with the bulb using a hammer or screwdriver. Most likely you will break the level

Problems may arise when adjusting deformed building levels.

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